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Apartments in Randburg

Buyer Update Feb 2021

Dear Future Owner

The Base has recently evolved into an even more exciting investment opportunity, and as you can see from the images on this letter, you are probably pleasantly surprised that your original purchase just gained a whole lot more value.

Here’s a quick background… Jacques Combrinck, CEO of JCo Construction Pty LTD, called a meeting over the December holidays with the design team and stated that he wanted The Base to offer more to the buyers, even though the project offered the best rental returns ever seen and the state-of-the-art designs were already smart-home ready and modern.

He said he wanted residents to experience more of a lifestyle and feel closer to nature in the City. He didn’t want residents to feel “crowded” as more and more people were combining work and home due to the COVID chaos that’s taken place all around the world during 2020, and even now in 2021. He also felt that he wanted residents to enjoy and delight in the exterior look of the building as much as the beautiful interiors, and he wanted an area with a swimming pool and proper “chill zone” for residents to unwind and relax. Jacques also instructed the architect to create vertical green zones in the passages and between balconies, that extend the entire length of the building. The option of resident plant boxes is also being discussed.

We are excited to unveil the spectacular, multi-million rand face-lift for the most exciting and best real estate investment Randburg has ever seen, The Base … more “green”, more lifestyle, more style. You fortunate current buyers will not be paying a single cent towards this spectacular upgrade, but future buyers, the final 60% of new buyers will not be able to secure units at the original amazing prices you signed at.

  1. We are entering the final 90 days of our marketing campaign launching Saturday 20th Feb 2021, on site, with updated pricing and a complete Sales office has been ordered so we can expedite and conclude the final 25% of sales needed to go to ground after this rainy season.
  2. Construction will commence around May 2021 and the superstructure, using precast slabs, should be completed around the final quarter of 2021. The construction team will immediately then move onto the interiors by the first quarter of 2022 in anticipation of handing over completed units from the end of the 2nd quarter of 2022.
  3. If you bought for an investment, then you will be pleased to know that we are getting ongoing enquiries for tenants wanting to rent at The Base once completed and you will experience almost 24 months of Capital Growth by occupation.
  4. Obviously, we will be doing a full tenant marketing campaign from early 2022, so that we have a list of pre-qualified tenants waiting to occupy should you need our assistance.

Please feel free to come and visit us on site on the 20th Feb 2021, 11:00 – 16:00, and if you still need to decide on interior finishes, then you will be able to do that without getting dust in your teeth and your hair blown in all directions. Thank you for your patience, we will be giving regular updates going forward and they will be accompanied with photos on site as construction begins.

For any further information or questions that need answering, please don’t hesitate to contact your agent, or myself on ryan@ryansrealty.co.za. Please be assured of our commitment to great service and let me know if you feel that’s not happening.

Yours sincerely,

Director / BCom Hons(CEA) NQF5

RYANS REALTY - by Investors for Investors
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